JessiLise Studios

Capturing the Present to Preserve It for the Future


Taking time for family pictures is something that can easily get put on the “To Do Later” list amid all the other priorities of life. But time is short. Children grow quickly. Changes in each family are inevitable.

God has created your family with a specific beauty and uniqueness unlike any other family. Take time to look at each blessing the Lord has given you. Treasure each moment; look for the small things that take your breath away. In light of the beauty which the Lord has created in your family, why not take a few minutes to capture the present to preserve it for the future? Will you ever regret it?

Whether you’re wanting school pictures of your children, Senior pictures for your graduating student, engagement pictures of a sweet couple who are preparing to unite in marriage, or simply family pictures for your home and to share with friends, contact us for further details and to schedule your photo session.

We look forward to hearing from you!