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Easy Gift Idea for Under $2! Potted Plant

Looking for a special gift for a special someone, that doesn’t break the bank? Check out this potted plant idea! Cost is less than $2! This would be an ideal gift for teachers, coworkers, students, neighbors, friends… really, who doesn’t like a fresh flower? Even if you’re crunched for time, you can easily put this together in a couple minutes, and it’s a gift that will last for months! We assembled about 30 of them to use as a little gift to celebrate Easter.

We purchased Snapdragon flowers to use as our potted plant, because they’re hardy enough to endure colder spring temps. 

We found 15 little peat pots for less than $4, and the potted plant can be placed in the ground with pot and all! 

Pick up a pack of pencils from the dollar store, download this printable sheet (or design your own if you don’t want Easter tags), and you have simple instruction flags to insert into each plant.

It’s such a joy to be able to give a little “thinking of you” gift, or to share a little something to celebrate a special holiday! 

Merry Christmas!

The Christmas story is well known to many of us, but I’m reminded again this year of how infinite our God is, and so merciful, to bring fresh truths to our attention from history that we know so well.

Our pastor was reading the Christmas story from Luke 2 last week. It’s easy to breeze through a familiar passage and think, “Yes, I know what happens in this story.” But try to read it as if you’ve never heard it before. No matter how many times you’ve heard and read the same Bible verse, our infinite Lord can still speak new truths and timely encouragements to our finite minds.

Such was the case last week.

“And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:10-11)

“Fear not” is a command that needs to be heeded on a daily basis, for our feeble selves often become burdened and worried, even in the littlest details of daily life.

But what really jumped out in a new way to me, was the adjectives in verse 10. “Good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.” The news of Jesus’ birth is not just news (we hear plenty of news on a daily basis), but this is good news. This is news that gives hope; it brings peace to those who believe. It fills hearts with joy, and not just some joy, but with great joy. Joy that is beyond words. Joy that is contagious. Joy that is independent of troublesome circumstances because it is founded upon the character and love of an unchanging Savior. 

Sometimes, though, “good news” for one person has little or no effect on other people, and very little news spreads it’s touch to the entire world. But the impact of Christ coming to earth touches everyone, and it’s good news of redemption for all people

So in this Christmas season, may we all come to adore and love more the Christ of Christmas, Who came to earth to bring good tidings of great joy for all people!

Engagement Pictures


I love taking pictures (as you probably know by now), but it’s an indescribable delight to take pictures of two people who are in love. Especially when it’s my sister.


This precious couple has chosen, for the glory of God, to not have physical contact prior to their wedding day, so my job as photographer is to create images that have a look of connection without contact. One great way to do this is with large letters that spell “LOVE,” or by using chalkboards with special messages written on them. I also like using the ampersand for a new way to say “this person + this person = new couple!” So exciting. I rejoice in the work of the Lord in Daniel & Kathryn’s lives and the many blessings He has bestowed upon us and them. God is so good.



Pictures with the {E} Family

This was a fun photo shoot! Packed with people, we enjoyed thinking creatively about how to pose them, trying to form as many triangles in the image as possible. We also had fun using photo props, like the galvanized tubs. And my handy black cloth was a must-have, since the grass was still slightly wet from the early morning dew.






9 people….and 9 dogs

As a photographer whose heart is in family photography, I love taking pictures of people. Yes, large groups of people present it’s challenges (and make me all the more thankful for editing programs), but I still enjoy it. But when you have a large group of people, and a large group of dogs, it makes for an even more exciting picture time! Thankfully, we didn’t have to use the self timer or remote, because Mom took the pictures for us. With gnats abounding, puppies squirming, sunshine streaming, and laughter sounding, we’re thankful for fast shutter speeds to optimize the prospects of getting a picture with everyone’s eyes open and all the puppies in the proper position! Fun times, indeed.


It’s been quite the family project to raise these little animals (that aren’t staying so little very long). The Creator has beautifully made each of His creations to glorify Him. The instincts and natural processes of a mother dog with her litter is no exception, and they are marvelous to behold.


We, too, have been created for a specific purpose: to glorify the Lord, and to enjoy Him for ever. How will you choose to embrace the day He’s given to you, with the responsibilities and challenges He ordains? May we be faithful, even in the little, seemingly mundane tasks of each day, for the purpose of glorifying our Creator.


“Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord.” – Psalm 150:6

[There are still a few puppies available. Contact us for more info!}

German Shepherd Puppies–Update


Thought all of our readers would enjoy a German Shepherd puppy update, since the little four-legged critters are growing in size and personality every day. Their playful antics make us laugh as they chase each other around, playing games of hide-n-seek, and discover new toys.


Some excited owners have made their selection, but there are still a few German Shepherd puppies left who are eagerly awaiting their time to be chosen. For more information on these beautiful dogs, click here or contact us.


Tire Depot — Grayson, GA

This post could be named several things. “You know not what a day may bring forth.” “Trusting God… on the side of the road.” “Smoking tire on way to baby shower.” But, “Tire Depot – Grayson, GA” seems the best. Why? Because the Lord really blessed us through this business.


There’s nothing quite like the feeling of being lost (well, thankfully we weren’t completely lost) with a smoking van tire, 123 miles from home. Yet the hand of the Lord was so beautifully seen in each mile of the journey. Knowing the presence of God in the midst of a perplexing situation is truly beautiful. We laughed. We almost wanted to cry. We stood in amazement. We made phone calls (lots of them).

The Lord’s plan is always perfect…

…even when you don’t know the extent of the car problems you’re having on your way to speak at a friends baby shower, traffic is terrible, it’s 104 degrees outside, and the shower is supposed to start in 30 minutes and you’re at least 20 minutes from your destination.

Ah, but it’s then that you know you’re helpless. And get ready — because it will be then that you’ll see the power and love of God in fresh, exciting ways.

To make a long story short…



We had a brake problem. The smell was typical of brakes: strong and distinct. We formulated “plan B” so we could arrive at the baby shower (almost) in time. Several mechanically minded friends checked out the situation, and so the next morning, we got back on the road, knowing that, based on the diagnosis given by our friends, the problem may arise again, but hoping that it wouldn’t. A few miles later, that distinct smell was back. We called Dad (who stayed home on this trip to work) and he said, “Find the nearest garage that will work on brakes.” It happened that we were at the intersection with Tire Depot. We pulled in, and the service we received was top notch. The kindness shown to us by the owners and employees of this family-owned tire business put us at ease. They gave us a shady parking spot, prompt, courteous service, told us to go to the air-conditioned office (it was 100 degrees outside…. at least it was cooler than the day before) while we waited for the part to arrive (which only took 20 minutes), and within the hour we were back on the road, driving a van that was running beautifully… better than it has in a long time.

So, to all of you blog followers in the Atlanta area, we highly recommend Tire Depot.

And to those of you who seem to be “broken down” on the journey of life, take comfort! The Lord is nigh them that are of a broken heart, and His strength is most clearly seen when we feel utterly helpless. Cling to His precious promises, and behold the works of the Lord! He doeth all things well.


Here are a few pictures from the shower. What a delightful evening! Such a  joy it is to celebrate the anticipated arrival of new life: a precious soul to nurture and to teach the boundless love of God.




Father’s Day Gift Ideas

Looking for the perfect Father’s Day gift idea? You’ve reached the end of your search. What would be better than a flashlight? Or, more specifically, Larry2?


Now available with more color options and with the same features as the original Larry (the 180º rotating magnetic clip, reinforced plastic body design and ergonomic grip), Larry2 also features a red laser pointer, on top of the added lumens! “More features…more lumens…same Larry style!”

Click here to order the perfect gift today!

{O} Family Pictures

To be given the opportunity to take pictures for a family is a privilege, But to be given this opportunity four years in a row is an honor.

Such is the case with the {O} family. Our family has know these precious people for over 15 years, and it’s been a joy to watch their family grow over the years. They bring such joy to our lives! We look forward to next time we get to work with them.

It’s good to have fun while taking pictures!

“As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth.
Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.” ~ Psalm 127:4-5