by Hannah | Jan 8, 2025 | Family News
With the start of a brand new year, we are excited to release a brand new product line under the Candle Cove ~ Bright & White. This line features a variety of scents that are all white. Our six new fragrances include Snowflake, Apple Pie, Candy Roaster, Spiced...
by The Neely Team | Mar 9, 2022 | Family News, Music, New Releases
We are excited and grateful to announce that the Lord has opened the opportunity for our family to be in the recording studio once again! It’s been many years, but we are thrilled to be able to offer a sacrifice of praise that will exalt our God and encourage...
by Victoria | Jul 8, 2019 | Family News
Most of you receiving updates from Neely Marketplace have probably not heard about Peachtree Cove RV Park. Let us fill you in. A year and a half ago, the Lord opened up the opportunity for a new business venture. We were thrilled to take on the family project of...
by The Neely Team | Apr 20, 2019 | Family News, JessiLise Studios, Quotes
Wishing you a blessed week of remembering the sacrifice Christ made for us and celebrating our risen Savior! “Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all!” – Isaac...
by Victoria | Jan 8, 2019 | Family News
We are excited to release several new titles in the line of sacred songs for children. All of these songs work well with families and children’s choirs, and emphasize specific Scripture verses and/or principles in fun and memorable ways. Until January 31, you...
by Jessica | Dec 23, 2018 | Family News, Quotes
The Christmas story is well known to many of us, but I’m reminded again this year of how infinite our God is, and so merciful, to bring fresh truths to our attention from history that we know so well.Our pastor was reading the Christmas story from Luke 2 last week....
by Victoria | Jul 26, 2018 | Family News
Yes, it’s true – Thera-pit-ics are now restocked with many of your favorites, as well as some all new prints. Check out Garden Galaxy (pictured above), Candy Jar, and summer’s best: Beach Towel. But that’s not all! We are pleased to introduce...
by Victoria | Nov 14, 2017 | Family News
The past several weeks have been a delight as we welcomed our new litter of pups into the world. The joys of raising this canine family have been myriad. I’ll let the pictures tell you the rest…
by The Neely Team | Dec 22, 2016 | Family News, Memory Making
When once I mourned a load of sin, When conscience felt a wound within, When all my works were thrown away, When on my knees I knelt to pray, Then, blissful hour, remembered well, I learned Thy love, Immanuel! When storms of sorrow toss my soul, When waves of care...
by Jessica | Jul 11, 2016 | Family News
For those of you who are not able to attend the wedding, Lord-willing it will be live streamed on Daniel & Kathryn’s website. Looking forward to what the Lord has in store!
by Jessica | Oct 5, 2015 | Family News, JessiLise Studios
As a photographer whose heart is in family photography, I love taking pictures of people. Yes, large groups of people present it’s challenges (and make me all the more thankful for editing programs), but I still enjoy it. But when you have a large group of people, and...
by The Neely Team | Aug 28, 2015 | Events, Family News, JessiLise Studios, Memory Making, Product Reviews, Trips & Travels
During the HEAV Convention in June, we were blessed to vend right beside a dear lady named Kat representing the Biltmore House in Ashville, NC. Before leaving the convention, she surprised us all and gave us free one-day passes to tour the house and gardens! As a...
by The Neely Team | Aug 13, 2015 | Events, Family News, JessiLise Studios, Music, Trips & Travels
Yet another journey in June was to Richmond for the HEAV (Home Educator’s Association of Virginia) Convention. With the days packed to bursting with busyness, fellowship, opportunities to serve and minister to many precious people, and much more, we all came away...
by The Neely Team | Jul 3, 2015 | Family News, Memory Making, Product Reviews, Recipes
One of our faithful readers asked for this recipe… so here it is! This makes a wonderful treat to serve to guests; it looks beautiful but is incredibly simple to put together. Old Glory Dessert 2 cups sugar cookie dough [or 1 (18 ounce) tube refrigerated dough] 11...
by Jessica | Jun 18, 2015 | Family News
This post could be named several things. “You know not what a day may bring forth.” “Trusting God… on the side of the road.” “Smoking tire on way to baby shower.” But, “Tire Depot – Grayson, GA” seems the best. Why? Because the Lord really blessed us through this...
by Kathryn | Apr 18, 2015 | Family News, Memory Making, Product Reviews, Recipes
Who likes to eat stale cookies? At our house, fresh-baked cookies (and even the un-baked ones, for that matter ) have a tendency to disappear quite rapidly. But alas! For the poor neglected old ones… those that have been sitting on the counter for days… those that...
by Kathryn | Mar 28, 2015 | Family News, New Releases, Product Reviews
Ribbons & Hair Bows Galore – a step-by-step video course designed for anyone who would love to create stylish personal accessories and who wants step-by-step guidance in starting out! Join us on, as we explore several different ideas to get you started...
by Victoria | Feb 23, 2015 | Family News
Samuel was a blind boy. He had been away, and was now going home with his father. His father led him, and he walked along by his side. Presently, they came to a large brook; they heard it roaring before they came near. His father said, “Samuel, I think there is a...
by The Neely Team | Feb 21, 2015 | Family News, JessiLise Studios, Music, Trips & Travels
What a blessing it was to journey northward a few weeks ago to take part in the Gen2 Conference! Hosted by Generations with Vision (taking place at the Creation Museum), this conference focused on the millennial generation and why a large percentage of it is walking...
by Kathryn | Jan 5, 2015 | Family News, Product Reviews, Trips & Travels
The Governor’s Palace Several weeks ago, after attending the Family Economics & Mentorship Conference, we were blessed with the opportunity to take a brief evening walk through Colonial Williamsburg with Matthew and Amanda. Though most of the shops and tourist...
by The Neely Team | Nov 13, 2014 | Family News, Music, Product Reviews
With much gratitude to the LORD and to the Generations with Vision team, we report that the Family Economics & Mentorship Conference this past weekend was a decided success! How can one summarize, in a short post, several days packed to the fullest with...
by The Neely Team | Oct 29, 2014 | Family News
On the weekend of November 6-8, 2014 in Hampton, VA, join a group of families seeking to build their home and children in the areas of not only relationships and character, but also in finances, budget, vocational training, higher education, and more. Speakers Kevin...
by The Neely Team | Jul 12, 2014 | Family News
Hello to our family, friends, and followers! You may be wondering what we are thinking, as far as what our plans are for these two websites. The purpose of is simple: to encourage other families and believers to press onward for the glory of God in...
by The Neely Team | Jun 20, 2014 | Family News
Well, it’s simple. 1. Because we need to be a Team. 2. Because we want to be a Team. 3. Because teams have to work together in order to survive, and we have to do the same. 4. Because we like to be identified with one another. These are a few reasons. I’m sure more...