Tag Archives: Sales

Independence Day Sale

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness…

Use coupon code FREEDOM2019 to receive 40% off the Lest We Forget recording and download and all companion sheet music downloads* until July 5.

*Companion sheet music titles include Prayer of Dependence, Revive Us, Godly Heroes, and Lord, Please Forgive

Summer Highlights at Neely Marketplace

Summer is one of the very best times of year, says the person writing this post. The rush of spring has begun to settle down as the maturity of summer takes its place. The grass is growing steadily, trees are fully leaved, flowers are beginning to bloom, garden produce is starting to come in; everything is just perfect!

Welcome to summer at Neely Marketplace! To celebrate the opening of June, receive 30% off Sun & Sea candles from The Candle Cove at Peachtree. Bring the fresh fragrance of the outdoors, indoors for times when it doesn’t work to be outside. You don’t want to miss these!

With the entrance of June, however, also come the sometimes startling realization that 2019 is almost half gone. It is sobering to step back from all the activity of life and see the speed with which time passes. Most resources can be replaced, but once time is gone, it’s gone.

I love to keep a journal – somewhere to record the many things the Lord is teaching me, the blessings He sends, insights from the Scriptures, and more. I encourage you: leave a record of the wonderful things God is doing in your life for those who follow behind. You will never regret being able to look on specific instances of His love and provision recorded at the time they took place. 

How do you manage your time? And do you have a record of what has filled it?
Check out these two product lines to help manage the rest of 2019 and to document it for future reference. You won’t be sorry!

Thera-pit-ics restocked! | 20% off spring favorites and more!

There are several favorites in the Thera-pit-ics line that were restocked last week – just in time to prepare for the heat of summer! In addition to Spring Rush, Cloud & Sunshine Floral, Cloud & Sunshine Stripe, and Moroccan Sunshine, four other prints have been marked as 20% off, simply to celebrate their renewed presence on the shelf. These celebrated four are:

  • Ribbon Stripe
  • Beach Towel
  • Picnic Bouquet (pictured below)
  • Yum! Black Cherry – standard favorite!

These are all-time bestsellers, so take action now. They won’t last forever!

Thera-pit-ics on Sale!

Happy New Year
from Neely Marketplace!

To celebrate the coming of this new year, we are running another sale – this time on Thera-pit-ic Pacs! A winter special, these hot/cold pacs are excellent for therapy and comfort. And, though the offer ends with winter, buy ahead – because they are also wonderful straight from the freezer in the heat of summer.

Use the coupon code winter16pitpacs to receive $5.00 off the Thera-pit-ics Pac of your choice! Best of all, there’s no limit to the quantity you may purchase with this sale! Fabric prints are myriad!

Shop Thera-pit-ics now!




CRANBERRY Confederate Candles are Back!

To those of you who have been waiting… Cranberry candles are back in stock!


Click here to see our whole array of highly-fragrant Confederate Candle options!

Also, don’t forget to take advantage of the 15% sale… only 8 days left!


Cranberry: Not too sweet, and not too tart… just perfect. A holiday, and everyday, favorite!

These highly fragrant and beautiful candles are hand-poured and carefully prepared for the highest quality possible. The canning jars give them a unique look, so they are excellent gifts for any candle lover! Each comes with a complimentary gift box. Most burn for over 35 hours, making them a great value for the price.

Warning: users have filed addiction complaints.

Practical Basket Uses | Techno!

What do you do with the numerous accessories that accompany your computer, your tablet, your phone, or any other device?

Check out our efficient methods of storage in the form of lovely handmade baskets here!



Also, don’t forget the incredible sales still taking place! Not only is EVERYTHING in the shop 15% off until January 15th…

…but the popular Christmas Tree & French Vanilla Confederate Candle scents are an
additional 30% off!!**

Simply enter the code christmas15cc during checkout.
**Offer valid until December 31, 2015.

Christmas SALES!

Not only is EVERYTHING in the shop 15% off until January 15th…

…but the popular Christmas Tree & French Vanilla Confederate Candle scents are an
additional 30% off!!**

Simply enter the code christmas15cc during checkout.
**Offer valid until December 31, 2015.


Click here to take advantage of these incredible sales today!