This is an invigorating rendition of a little-known, albeit lovely carol celebrating the Savior’s birth. Set for advanced string quartet.
Blow, ye golden trumpets, blow!
Let the sleeping nations know
“Christ the Lord is born!”
Yonder see the Bethlehem star
Guiding mortals from afar.
He shall reign forevermore-
Christ the Lord is born!
Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
‘Tis the blessed Christmas morn.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Christ the Lord is born!
Ring, O ring, ye silv’ry bells!
Far and near your cadence swells,
Christ the Lord is born!
Ring and banish doubt and fear,
Ring ‘til all with joy shall hear,
Sin is vanquished, victory’s near!
Christ the Lord is born!
Text: Mrs. M. A. Kidder
Music: Theo Perkins