Peachtree Cove RV Park – A Wonderful Place to Stay!

Jul 8, 2019 | Family News | 0 comments

Most of you receiving updates from Neely Marketplace have probably not heard about Peachtree Cove RV Park. Let us fill you in.

A year and a half ago, the Lord opened up the opportunity for a new business venture. We were thrilled to take on the family project of restoring a once-thriving RV Park to something of its former beauty and success. The Lord has blessed our efforts and the summer of 2019 marks the middle of our second season as RV Park owners. We have loved being able to meet many new people and provide a quiet haven for those needing a place to stay.

Visit our website and plan to come see us! 

Visit our FREE DOWNLOADS page and get your copy of our camping checklist. It makes the planning and packing stage of the family trip so much easier!


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