The Christmas story is well known to many of us, but I’m reminded again this year of how infinite our God is, and so merciful, to bring fresh truths to our attention from history that we know so well.
Our pastor was reading the Christmas story from Luke 2 last week. It’s easy to breeze through a familiar passage and think, “Yes, I know what happens in this story.” But try to read it as if you’ve never heard it before. No matter how many times you’ve heard and read the same Bible verse, our infinite Lord can still speak new truths and timely encouragements to our finite minds.
Such was the case last week.
“And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:10-11)
“Fear not” is a command that needs to be heeded on a daily basis, for our feeble selves often become burdened and worried, even in the littlest details of daily life.
But what really jumped out in a new way to me, was the adjectives in verse 10. “Good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.” The news of Jesus’ birth is not just news (we hear plenty of news on a daily basis), but this is good news. This is news that gives hope; it brings peace to those who believe. It fills hearts with joy, and not just some joy, but with great joy. Joy that is beyond words. Joy that is contagious. Joy that is independent of troublesome circumstances because it is founded upon the character and love of an unchanging Savior.
Sometimes, though, “good news” for one person has little or no effect on other people, and very little news spreads it’s touch to the entire world. But the impact of Christ coming to earth touches everyone, and it’s good news of redemption for all people.
So in this Christmas season, may we all come to adore and love more the Christ of Christmas, Who came to earth to bring good tidings of great joy for all people!