Archive | September, 2017

Introducing: [a new arrangement for] The String Quartet

We at Neely Marketplace would like you to meet four of our very dear comrades from the music department: Miss 1, Miss 2, Mammoth V, and Big C. We hope you enjoy your time with them.


Violin 1: Almost everyone has heard of the string quartet, haven’t they?

Cello: Probably; everyone has heard of you and your assistant, and most everyone has heard of me (thoughtful contemplation)

Violin 2: Yes, and I believe most everyone knows specifically what role I play, and is familiar with the expression “2nd fiddle…”

Violin 1: And nearly as many could tell you that it is formed by four members (though not the four) of our amazing relations. In fact, many weddings today are gracefully offset–

Cello: Ehem. Excuse me, Miss 1.

Violin 1: Yes?

Cello: Before you expound on our primary occupation in the 21st century, we should remember our companion.

Violin 1: That’s an excellent point, Big C.

Violin 2: Yes, many people think that our fourth player is just a random “3”.

Viola: Most don’t even know my name.

Cello: I do hope our audience will forgive the interruption, but now that we have him hear, let us introduce you to Mammoth V. We’re ready to proceed with your introduction, Miss 1.

Violin 1: Thank you, Big C. We certainly operate the best when we are all accounted for and playing together. Let’s see, I was just opening up the second phrase of my solo… As I was saying, many weddings today are gracefully off-set by the lovely sounds of our quartet, and if you didn’t have them at your wedding, well, you probably have a family member

Violin 2: or friend,

Violin 1: who did.

Cello: But how much is commonly known today about the history of this versatile and altogether charming chamber group? Take a look at our trivia questions below.

Viola: They are sure to test your knowledge

Violin 2: of this amazing combination we call

Unison: The String Quartet

Coda: Answers are at the end of this post, but DON’T peak.


Violin 1: Lovely ending, everyone. And now to you, our valued audience, we offer a souvenir program of inquiries with which to test your knowledge of our history, and also by which you can remember tonight’s performance. Thank you for lending us your attention.




  • During which musical period did the string quartet become well-known?
  • Who is considered to be the “Father of the String Quartet?”
  • Who commissioned the work that became one of the earliest string quartet compositions?
  • How many movements are there in traditional string quartet form?


We hope your visit with our special guests was both educational and enjoyable. In their honor, and for the first time, we are pleased to make available a string quartet arrangement of “Blow, Ye Golden Trumpets, Blow,” a little-known Christmas carol, but one that can certainly claim our attention. Please click here for details.


Trivia Answer Key: Classical, Franz Joseph Haydn, the Baron Carl von Joseph Edler von Fürnberg, four

NEW Christmas Arrangement – FREE for 1 Day

O Come, All Ye Faithful

This week we are featuring an advanced violin arrangement, and are giving it away for 1 day. Here are a few simple details:

  • Follow this link so you can add the product to your cart.
  • Proceed to the check-out and receive the arrangement for FREE.
  • Hurry! The give-away ends tomorrow!

Don’t forget to pass this offer on to your fell musicians, teachers, and students!

O Come, All Ye Faithful_Page_1

NEW Christmas Sheet Music, and more to follow!


School may only be in its first official week for your family, but for musicians, it’s time to start considering the holiday season. As our family plans the calendar of events for the Christmas season, we look forward to a myriad of opportunities to minister through music. It’s always a joy (and challenge!) to find, prepare, and perform arrangements that will meet the needs of our audiences. Because we understand the struggles of searching for God-honoring music that’s “just right” for the occasion, especially at Christmas, we are excited to bring you several options for fresh arrangements suitable for a variety of instruments, ensembles, and skill levels. Stay tuned so you can be sure to take advantage of the arrangements and sales that are to come! But for now, come over to the Marketplace and take a look at the 3 arrangements of the heart-warming German carol, Silent Night, set for solo violin, viola, or cello, each on an upper-elementary level.